
SNF In Services (Annual Plan)


Course Description

This will give access to the following SNF courses for a period of 1 year. You can enroll any student within your facility and view their progress by going to the “My In-Services” tab in the My Account page. You must renew by purchasing the course within one year or your students will lose access to the course. You will still be able to view student’s list and their performance history but you will not be able to add any new students.

Courses Included:
1. SNF/ICF General Staff In-Service (7 Courses)
This is a series of courses that are designed to meet the federally and state of Missouri required annual in-service requirements for general staff who are not involved in direct resident care and Staff Developments Commitment to Person-Centered Care. These contain all the required in-service topics which will leave time for the facility to concentrate in-house in-services on facility-specific projects.

2. SNF/ICF Direct Care Staff In-Service (17 courses)
This is a series of courses that are designed to meet the federally required annual in-service requirements for direct, hands-on care staff and Staff Developments Commitment to Person-Centered Care. Includes new MEGA Rule Requirements. These contain all the required in-service topics which will leave time for the facility to concentrate in-house in-services on facility-specific projects.

3. SNF/ICF General Non-Nursing Orientation (7 courses)
This is a series of courses that are designed to meet the federally required orientation modules for General non- nursing assistants and includes the new requirements around the Mega Rule.

4. SNF/ICF Orientation Nursing Staff Including Certified Nurse Assistants (17 courses)
This is a series of courses that are designed to meet the federally required orientation modules for General Nursing Staff including Certified Nurse Assistants and includes the new requirements around the Mega Rule.

5. Federally and State Required 16 Hour orientation for the Nurse Assistant (17 courses) This includes the modules required for all staff orientation in addition to the 16 hours.
This is a series of courses that are designed to meet the federally required nurse assistant’s 16 hours of orientation. This includes the modules required for all staff orientation in addition to the 16 hours. So, it is not necessary to assign them to the general nursing or general staff orientation additionally. All Nurse Assistants should be assigned this for orientation and then the general in-service for nursing to meet annual requirements.

If you are needing help with bulk registration please contact meganw@mlnha.org